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Nutrition benefits

energy kcal energy contain in the product
carbohydrate three main nutrients for dog.
protein three main nutrients for dog. form of bone, muscle, skin, fur and etc.
Fat three main nutrients for dog. making energy.
Starch -uncooked starch only digest 40% of consumption. making energy
fiber slow digestive, control sugar level in blood, feeling full for long time( good for fat dog)
sugar (better be low)naturl sugar is not dangerous for dog. sweeteness for interested in their food but too much may cause hight sugar level in their blood and obesity
Saurated fat (better be low) aminal increase colestrol which may bring high fat in blood. it cause obesity, convulsion and complications.
Omegar3 reduce colesterol level in blood, good for joint, eye health, inflame
Sodium(mg) (better be low and mordarated) maintain body cell, help protein absorbed in to body, protect cells from inflame damage
Potassium(mg) liver and gut health,
Calcium(mg) strong bone
Phosphorus(mg) strong bone
Magnesium(mg) smooth functioning of the nervous system
Iron(mg) help hemoglobin maintaining(hemoglobin is carrying the oxygen in the blood.)
Zinc(mg) help maintain sink, muscle and bone cells.
Copper(mg) help iron absorbing into body.
Manganese(mg) It is involved in reproduction and growth and is necessary for cartilage cells, blood clotting and hair gloss.
Selenium(ug) immune system support
Lodine(ug) smooth functioning of the thyroid gland( help for how to spending engery, body health maintaining)
Vitamin A(ug) Improves eyesight and good for tired eyes, improves skin (hair), promotes health of organs (liver, kidney, lung)
Carotene(ug) helps protect cells from damage. / good for eye
Thiamin(B1)(mg) Healthy brain function and nervous system
Riboflavin(b2)(mg) immune and curing systems
Niacin total(B3)(mg) help body to breaking down the nutritions and seperate good or bad nutritions
Vitamin B6(mg) help body to using amino acid for dog's activities
Folates(B9)(ug) make red blood cell which is carrying oxygen in their body
VitaminC(mg) most of healty dog can produce them self. good for healty bone